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Create Payin Order

API EndPoint

POST baseUrl + /api/payIn

Request Parameters

currencyYstring(32)Currency codeNGN
payTypeYintPay product typePayin PayType Enum
reusableStatusNbooleanMultiple paymentsCurrently it can only be false
mchOrderNoYstring(32)Merchant order number
expireTimeNlongExpiration timedefaut86400 s
notifyUrlYstring(250)Webhooks url
nonceStrYstring(32)Random string
remarkNstring(32)Random stringPlease use English characters or unaccented Spanish
realNameYstring(64)Name of the payeeJeck-Ma
phoneYstring(32)Payee phone尽量传真实的手机号
emailYstring(64)Payee email邮箱格式要正确,尽量传真实的邮箱
idTypeNstring(32)Payee IdTypepayType=710,711(VA)必传 代收付款人证件类型
idCardNstring(32)Payee NumberpayType=710,711(VA)必传 请传入真实且合法的号码
bankAccountNString(32)Bank AccountpayType=710,711(VA)必传 请传入真实且合法的银行帐号
bankIdNintBank IDpayType=710,711(VA)必传 代收银行列表查询


realName cannot have special characters, first name, last name last, separated by "-" character, e.g. Jeck-Ma 嘉誠-李

Request Example

curl -L 'baseUrl/api/payIn' \
-H 'MerchantId: 1002001' \
-H 'Sign: A6FC73F7D22EC8B4A064C8FFCC592CBF' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"realName":"Reza Wijaya","amount":"20000.00","reusableStatus":false,"payType":"43","expireTime":3600,"mchOrderNo":"1386556787811426305","notifyUrl":"","currency":"IDR","remark":"Electronic Cigarettes","nonceStr":"16a5a70f43384134bfae33acc77132e0"}'

Response Parameters

merchantIdlongMerchant id
mchOrderNostring(32)Merchant order number
orderNostring(32)Platform order number
payCodestring(32)Va account
payUrlstring(250)Payment URL

Response Example

  "msg": "SUCCESS",
  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "merchantId": "1002001",
    "mchOrderNo": "1386556787811426305",
    "orderNo": "PAYIN8551844049125523456",
    "payCode": "RN123456",
    "payUrl": "",
    "biller": "Gcash",
    "amount": "20000",
    "orderFee": "1700"
  "msg": "Payin_Order_Error",
  "code": 500

Query Payin Order

API EndPoint

POST baseUrl + /api/payInQuery

Request Parameters

mchOrderNoNstring(32)1386556575370063873Merchant order number
orderNoNstring(32)PAYIN8551843837024997376Platform order number
nonceStrYstring(32)9459931608Random string


We recommend using orderNo (platform order number) first. At least one of the platform order number and the merchant order number must be passed.

Request Example

curl -L 'baseUrl/api/payInQuery' \
-H 'MerchantId: 1002001' \
-H 'Sign: A6FC73F7D22EC8B4A064C8FFCC592CBF' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"mchOrderNo":"1386556575370063873","nonceStr":"9459931608","orderNo":"PAYIN8551843837024997376"}'

Response Parameters

merchantIdintMerchant id
mchOrderNostring(32)Merchant order number
orderNostring(32)Platform order number
channelOrderNostring(32)Channel order number
payTypestring(32)Payin PayType Enum
payCodestring(32)Payment Code
payUrlstring(250)Payment url
orderStatusstring(32)Payin Order Status Enum
completionTimeyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssCompletion time

Response Example

  "msg": "SUCCESS",
  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "merchantId": "1002001",
    "mchOrderNo": "1386556575370063873",
    "orderNo": "PAYIN8551843837024997376",
    "payType": "43",
    "payCode": "",
    "payUrl": "",
    "payDeskUrl": "",
    "amount": "20000",
    "fee": "1700",
    "orderStatus": "PAYING",
    "completionTime": null,
    "nonceStr": null
  "msg": "SUCCESS",
  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "merchantId": "1002001",
    "mchOrderNo": "1386556575370063873",
    "orderNo": "PAYIN8551843837024997376",
    "payType": "43",
    "payCode": "",
    "payUrl": "",
    "payDeskUrl": "",
    "amount": "20000",
    "fee": "1700",
    "orderStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "completionTime": "2024-12-02 15:40:50",
    "nonceStr": null

Async Webhook Notification

The webhooks url is provided by the merchant

POST Merchant NotifyUrl

Webhook Request Parameters

merchantIdintMerchant id
mchOrderNostring(32)Merchant order number
orderNostring(32)Platform order number
payUrlstring(32)Payment url
payDeskUrlstring(250)Paydesk url
payTypestring(32)Payin PayType Enum
orderStatusstring(32)Payin Order Status Enum
completionTimedateCompletion time
nonceStrstring(32)Random string
patchOrderNostring(32)The platform order number of the associated original order
patchMchOrderNostring(32)The merchant order number of the associated original order
orderTypestring(32)API=API order MCH=Merchant dashboard DESK=Paydesk order PATCH=PATCH order

Webhook Request Example

curl -L '' \
-H 'MerchantId: 1002001' \
-H 'Sign: A6FC73F7D22EC8B4A064C8FFCC592CBF' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"amount":20000.00,"completionTime":"2024-12-02 12:07:06","fee":2500.0000,"mchOrderNo":"1386503284355244033","merchantId":"3002120","nonceStr":"1733116026894","orderNo":"PAYIN8551790545658687488","orderStatus":"SUCCESS","payCode":"OR.GPNQR..INOPROID_BS","payType":"41","payUrl":""}'
  "amount": 1000.0,
  "completionTime": "2024-11-24 21:56:55",
  "fee": 2.0,
  "mchOrderNo": "order_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "merchantId": "1012345",
  "nonceStr": "1732507016285",
  "orderNo": "PAYIN1234500000000001",
  "orderStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "orderType": "API",
  "patchMchOrderNo": "order_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "patchOrderNo": "PAYIN1234500000000001",
  "payCode": "60088888888888",
  "payType": "69",
  "payUrl": ""
  "amount": 1000.0,
  "completionTime": "2024-11-24 21:56:55",
  "fee": 2.0,
  "mchOrderNo": "order_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "merchantId": "2004015",
  "nonceStr": "1732507016285",
  "orderNo": "PAYIN1234500000000002",
  "orderStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "orderType": "PATCH",
  "patchMchOrderNo": "order_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx0001",
  "patchOrderNo": "PAYIN1234500000000001",
  "payCode": "60088888888888",
  "payType": "69"

Supplementary instructions when orderType is PATCH

If the user does not pay according to the order amount or pays repeatedly, a supplementary order will appear. In this case, the orderType of the supplementary order is PATCH:

  • orderNo is the platform order number newly generated for this order.
  • patchOrderNo is the platform order number of the associated original order,
  • patchMchOrderNo is the merchant order number of the associated original order.
  • mchOrderNo is the merchant order number of the associated original order (with a serial number identifier). Note that at this time, the serial number identifier will be added to the end of the mchOrderNo returned by the callback to distinguish multiple partial repayment orders.

For example, if your merchant order number is MCH20230088, when the first partial payment is generated, we will add the serial number 00001 to the end of the merchant order number mchOrderNo of the original order.

The mchOrderNo you receive in the callback is MCH2023008800001, and so on.

When a patch order occurs, our robot will also notify the corresponding merchant group, and the notification will contain all the information you need.

When the orderType of the order is API:

  • patchOrderNo is the same as orderNo
  • patchMchOrderNo is the same as mchOrderNo

At this time, the above parameters have no additional meaning.


When the webhooks response HTTP status code is 200, 301 or 302, we believe that the merchant has successfully received and processed the callback. For other statuses, we believe that the merchant has failed to process the callback.

After the webhooks fails, it will be retried in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 minutes, and the webhooks will be retried 10 times in total

Released under the MIT License.