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Payout Account Type

1Bank Account Number
2Wallet Account


When the payment recipient bank is an e-wallet, accountType needs to be 2, and accountNo is the e-wallet payment account.

Payout Payee ID Type

SSSSocial Security System
TINTax Identification Number
PassportPassport Number
PhiHealthPhilippine Health Card, a medical certificate similar to a health insurance card.
Driver's licenseVoter ID
UMIDUnique Multi-Purpose ID
PRC IDPhilippine Permanent Resident Card
GSIS IDEducation Certificate
Student's IDStudent ID
|Pag-IBIGPeople's Insurance Company of the Philippines
National IDNational ID

Payout Order Status Enum

WAITINGWait for payment
PAYINGPayment Paying
SUCCESSPayment successfulOrder final status
FAILPayment failedOrder final status
CANCELOrder CanceledOrder final status


Note that when processing callbacks or query results from Cashy, the order status should be accurately judged. Only the final result can be considered as a clear success of the collection order.

Payout Order Status Description




  • EXCEEDED_BENEFICIARY_ACCOUNT_AMOUNT_LIMIT , 以Gcash为例:不同认证等级的账户会有不同的月/日收款限额

Payin Payer ID Type

SSSSocial Security System
TINTax Identification Number
PhiHealthPhilippine Health Card, a medical certificate similar to a health insurance card.
Driver's licenseVoter ID
UMIDUnique Multi-Purpose ID
PRC IDPhilippine Permanent Resident Card
GSIS IDEducation Certificate
Student's IDStudent ID
|Pag-IBIGPeople's Insurance Company of the Philippines
National IDNational ID

Payin PayType Enum

payTypeDescriptionStatusProduct DescriptionNotes
401QRPH_STATICEnableQRPh static QR codeNo amount limit, multiple payments
402QRPH_DYNAMICEnableQRPh dynamic QR codeLimited amount, single payment
403BANK_TRANSFER_INSTAEnableINSTA bank virtual accountNo amount limit, multiple payments (less than 50,000 yuan)
404BANK_TRANSFER_PESONETEnablePESONET bank virtual accountNo amount limit, multiple payments (more than 50,000 yuan)
410RefNo (Bill Payment)EnableRepayment code (Bill Payment)Unlimited amount, multiple payments, multiple repayment methods
431GCASH_WEB_ONLINEEnableGcash e-wallet online paymentLimited amount, single payment
432PAYMAYA_WEB_ONLINEEnablePaymaya e-wallet online paymentLimited amount, single payment
433COINS_WEB_ONLINEEnableCoins e-wallet online paymentLimited amount, single payment
434GRABPAY_WEB_ONLINEEnableGrabPay e-wallet online paymentLimited amount, single payment
435BPIA_WEB_ONLINEEnableBPIA online banking online paymentLimited amount, single payment
436UBPB_WEB_ONLINEEnableUBPB online banking online paymentLimited amount, single payment

Payin Order Status Enum

PAYINGWait for payment
SUCCESSPayment successfulOrder final status
FAILPayment failedOrder final status


Note that when processing callbacks or query results from Cashy, the order status should be accurately judged. Only the final result can be considered as a clear success of the collection order.

Common Error Messages

ValueDescriptionCountries covered
System_errorSystem errorAll
System_busySystem busy (Can retry)All
System_MaintenanceSystem Maintenance (Can retry)All
MerchantId_is_nullMerchantId is emptyAll
Sign_verify_errorMerchant signature verification errorAll
RequestMethod_not_postNot a POST requestAll
RequestContentType_not_jsonNot an application/json requestAll
RequestBody_is_nullThe request body is emptyAll
MerchantId_not_NumberMerchantId is not a numberAll
MerchantId_is_errorMerchant Id errorAll
Request_ip_notWhiteListRequest ip non-whitelistAll
Params_jsonFormat_errorRequest body json format errorAll
Params_xxx_RequiredParameter xxx is requiredAll
Params_xxx_errorParameter xxx errorAll
Params_accountNo_Format_isIncorrectThe bank account number format is incorrect (the length of the bank card number does not match the bank)Some countries
Merchant_amount_notEnoughMerchant balance is insufficientAll
Merchant_not_enabledMerchant is not enabledAll
Merchant_not_existMerchant does not existAll
Params_order_notExistThe platform order number does not existAll
Params_mchOrderNo_notExistThe Merchant order number does not existAll
Params_mchOrderNo_repeatDuplicate Merchant order numberAll
Channel_Maintenance_timeThe channel is under maintenance, please contact technical support for testing environmentAll
Tran_risk_interceptTransaction risk control interception, check whether the amount meets the restriction conditionsAll
Params_accountName_Maximum<40>charactersPayout (beneficiary) payee name is too longSome countries,MX is 40 characters
Params_realName_not_contain_ChineseAccount names are not allowed to contain ChineseAll
Params_accountName_not_contain_ChineseAccount names are not allowed to contain ChineseAll
Params_accountNo_Clabe_InvalidateClabe is invalidMexico
Params_accountNo_CardNumber_InvalidateBank CardNumber is invalidMexico
Params_email_format_invalidThe email format is invalidMexico
Params_email_length_exceeds<64>charactersThe mailbox length exceeds 64 characters (the mailbox length should be kept below 64 characters)All
Params_accountName_RequiredPlease pass the recipient account nameSome countries
Params_accountName_Maximum<64>charactersThe recipient account name must not exceed 64 charactersSome countries
Params_accountName_not_contain_ChineseThe recipient account name must not contain ChineseSome countries
Params_CPF_accountNo_InvalidThe recipient account number in CPF format is invalidBrazil
Params_idType_RequiredID type must be passedSome countries
Params_idType_InvalidInvalid ID typeSome countries
Params_idCard_RequiredID number must be passedSome countries
Params_idCard_CPF_InvalidInvalid CPF ID numberBrazil
Params_realName_RequiredThe name of the payee must be passedSome countries
Params_realName_Maximum<64>charactersThe name of the payee must not exceed 64 charactersSome countries
Params_realName_not_contain_ChineseThe name of the payee must not contain ChineseSome countries
COLLECTION_ACCOUNT_DAY_LIMITThe number of times the payment card number reaches the daily limit limitAll
COLLECTION_NAME_DAY_LIMITThe number of times the payee name reaches the daily limit limitAll
LIMIT_MIN_AMOUNTThe order amount is less than the minimum amount limitAll
LIMIT_MAX_AMOUNTThe order amount is higher than the maximum amount limitAll
BLACK_LIST_USER_LIMITThe user is on the blacklistAll

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