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Create Payin Order

HTTP Request


POST baseUrl + /api/payIn

Request Headers



currencyYstring(32)MXNCurrency code
payTypeYint69pls refer to Payin PayType Enum
amountYdecimal(20,0)[40,15000]Amount(Only support integer)
reusableStatusYbooleanfalseCurrently it can only be false
mchOrderNoYstring(32)mch12345Merchant order number (should be unique in the merchant system)
expireTimeYlong3600Expiration time, default 3600 seconds
notifyUrlYstring(250) (callback) address
nonceStrYstring(32)162838128Random string
remarkYstring(32)remarkOrder remarks
realNameYstring(32)JackPayer Name
phoneYstring(32)+57xxxxxxxPayer phonenumber
emailYstring(32)xyz@gamil.comPayer email
goodsSubjectNstring(32)appleProduct subject
goodsBodyNstring(32)appleProduct description


Note that the callback address only supports https or http protocol addresses, if the address is an IP address, be sure to use a public IP.


Please note that the current CLABE expiration time starting with 684180104 and 6461805201 is 180 days from the time of creation. (Adjusted to 180 days on January 26, 2024)


Please note that for the current CLABE starting with 684180104 and 6461805201, if a transaction occurs less than 60 days before the expiration date, this CLABE will be renewed and valid for 180 days by default. (Adjusted on January 30, 2024)


ResponseBody JSON example

  "msg": "SUCCESS",
  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "merchantId": "1002001",
    "mchOrderNo": "test2275700811",
    "orderNo": "PAYIN8374561426934530048",
    "bankName": "BBVA Bancomer",
    "reference": "1411217",
    "concept": "33812449733594396233",
    "payCode": "000000000000000001",
    "payUrl": "",
    "payDeskUrl": "",
    "amount": "152",
    "orderFee": "1"
mchOrderNostring(32)Merchant order number
orderNostring(32)Platform order number
payCodestring(32)OXXO Paycode / SPEI Clabe Account
payUrlstring(250)QR link
payDeskUrlstring(250)Payment Url


When payType=69(SPEI Clabe) is used, we will provide two different modes of Clabe collection, the difference between the two is the different parameters used for repayment. There is also a difference in the number of times you can limit the repayment and the amount you can limit the repayment.

Difference between Clabe Payments and Centralized Clabe Payments

Clabe Payments(SPEI Transfer)

This method creates a different Clabe account for each order, but it is not possible to check the amount of the order or to limit the number of repayments.

To make a payment, the user only needs to use the Clabe account number to make the transfer.

Centralized Clabe Payments(The type will not be returned for the time being)

This method checks the repayment amount as well as limits the number of repayments. When the amount does not match the order amount, the bank will reject the transaction and refund the user automatically.

For repayment the user needs to transfer the payment using the following parameters.

  • payCode Clabe account number
  • reference The reference number, not exceeding 7 digits, which is used to identify and track the transaction, and is usually shown on the payment page as El número de referencia or Número De Referencia.
  • concept The transaction concept, up to 40 digits long, is used to identify and track the transaction, and if returned, must be filled in correctly by the user. On the payment page it is usually displayed as y el concepto de pagoorConcepto`.
  • bankName The name of the bank, which is usually not required, and in most cases will be recognized automatically when the clabe account number is entered.

Guidelines for users when using centralized `Clabe' payments

This guideline is only used when the reference, concept, bankName parameters have values. Note that the values of the parameters in the examples are the values in the sandbox environment, please refer to the actual values in the production environment.

When a user uses the `BBVA' bank
  1. Select the De Servicios' option in thePagar' menu and enter Número de convenio CIE.

For Número de convenio CIE, enter the value of reference (1411217).

  1. Fill in the information
  • Referencia: Please enter the value of concept (33812449733594396233).
  • Importe: $ 40.00 MXN
  • Concepto: remark
When users use other banks

Enter transfer and payment information:

  • Clabe : enter payCode000000000000000001
  • Concepto de pago : Enter concept 33812449733594396233
  • Referencia: enter reference , 1411217
  • Importe: 40.00 MXN

Banco Santander as an example


Query Payin Order

HTTP Request


POST baseUrl + /api/payInQuery

Request Headers



mchOrderNoNstring(32)P123456Merchant order number
orderNoNstring(32)PAYIN12345Platform order number
nonceStrYstring(32)1628381288000Random string


We recommend using orderNo (platform order number) first. At least one of the platform order number and merchant order number needs to be passed.


  "msg": "SUCCESS",
  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "merchantId": "100001",
    "mchOrderNo": "M1656752128806",
    "orderNo": "PAYIN8231497473279467520",
    "payType": "1",
    "payCode": "646012000000015887",
    "payUrl": null,
    "payDeskUrl": null,
    "amount": 100.0,
    "patchOrderNo": "PAYIN82xxxxxxxxx",
    "orderType": "PATCH",
    "fee": null,
    "orderStatus": "PAYING",
    "completionTime": null
mchOrderNostring(32)Merchant order number
orderNostring(32)Platform order number
channelOrderNostring(32)Channel order number
payTypestring(32)pls refer to Payin PayType Enum
payUrlstring(250)Payment QR Code
payDeskUrlstring(250)PayDesk Payment Url
orderStatusstring(32)Order StatusPayin Order Status Enum
completionTimedateComplete timeyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
patchOrderNostring(32)The platform orderNo associated with the replenishment order
patchMchOrderNostring(32)The platform mchOrderNoassociated with the replenishment order
orderTypestring(32)API=API接口 MCH=商户后台 DESK=收银台 PATCH=补单


If the user does not pay according to the order amount or pays repeatedly, a replenishment order will appear. At this time, the orderType of the replenishment order is PATCH:

  • orderNo is the newly generated platform order number for this order.
  • patchOrderNo is the platform order number of the associated original order,
  • patchMchOrderNo is the merchant order number of the associated original order.
  • mchOrderNo is the merchant order number (with serial number identification) of the associated original order. Note that a serial number identifier will be added at the end of the mchOrderNo returned by the callback to distinguish multiple partial repayment orders.

For example, your merchant order number is MCH20230088. When the first partial payment occurs, we will add the serial number 00001 to the end of the merchant order number mchOrderNo of the original order. , the mchOrderNo of the callback you receive is MCH2023008800001, and so on.

When an order replenishment occurs, our robot will also notify the corresponding merchant group, and the notification will contain all the information you need.

When the orderType of the order is API:

  • patchOrderNo is the same as orderNo
  • patchMchOrderNo is the same as mchOrderNo

The above parameters have no additional meaning at this time.


fee and completionTime only have a value if the order is successfully paid.

Async Webhook Notification

HTTP Request


POST : notifyUrlnotifyUrlis provided by the merchant

Request Headers


Webhook RequestBody

  "orderStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "amount": 10000.0,
  "fee": 0,
  "mchOrderNo": "2a6421c4-3758-4d1a-b47e-f7d0e7133f9e",
  "merchantId": "100001",
  "payDeskUrl": null,
  "orderNo": "PAYDESKxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "payUrl": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "patchOrderNo": "PAYIN82xxxxxxxxx",
  "orderType": "PATCH",
  "completionTime": "2022-08-08 08:08:08",
  "nonceStr": "xxxxxxxxxx"
mchOrderNostring(32)Merchant order number
orderNostring(32)Platform order number
payUrlstring(32)Payment Url
payDeskUrlstring(250)PayDesk Payment Url
orderStatusstring(32)订单状态,pls refer toPayin Order Status Enum
completionTimedateComplete time
nonceStrstring(32)Random string
patchOrderNostring(32)The platform orderNo associated with the replenishment order
patchMchOrderNostring(32)The platform mchOrderNoassociated with the replenishment order
orderTypestring(32)API=API接口 MCH=商户后台 DESK=收银台 PATCH=补单


fee and completionTime only have a value if the order is successfully paid.


If the user does not pay according to the order amount or pays repeatedly, a replenishment order will appear. At this time, the orderType of the replenishment order is PATCH:

  • orderNo is the newly generated platform order number for this order.
  • patchOrderNo is the platform order number of the associated original order,
  • patchMchOrderNo is the merchant order number of the associated original order.
  • mchOrderNo is the merchant order number (with serial number identification) of the associated original order. Note that a serial number identifier will be added at the end of the mchOrderNo returned by the callback to distinguish multiple partial repayment orders.

For example, your merchant order number is MCH20230088. When the first partial payment occurs, we will add the serial number 00001 to the end of the merchant order number mchOrderNo of the original order. , the mchOrderNo of the callback you receive is MCH2023008800001, and so on.

When an order replenishment occurs, our robot will also notify the corresponding merchant group, and the notification will contain all the information you need.

When the orderType of the order is API:

  • patchOrderNo is the same as orderNo
  • patchMchOrderNo is the same as mchOrderNo

The above parameters have no additional meaning at this time.


Please respond with SUCCESS if the process is successful. For other responses, we will consider the callback to have failed. After the callback fails, it will be retried in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 minutes, and the callback will be retried 10 times in total.

Released under the MIT License.