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Create Payin Order

API EndPoint

POST baseUrl + /api/payIn

Request Parameters

currencyYstring(32)Currency codeMXN
payTypeYintPay product typePayin PayType Enum
reusableStatusYbooleanMultiple paymentsfalse=只能单次收款 true=多次收款
mchOrderNoYstring(32)Merchant order numbermch12345
expireTimeYlongExpire time3600
notifyUrlYstring(250)Webhooks url
nonceStrYstring(32)Random string
remarkYstring(32)RemarkPlease use English characters or unaccented Spanish
realNameYstring(64)User Name
phoneNstring(32)User phone number
emailNstring(64)User email


Please note that the current CLABEs starting with 684180104 and 6461805201 have an expiration date of 180 days from the time of creation. (Adjusted to 180 days on January 26, 2024)


Please note that the current CLABEs starting with 684180104 and 6461805201, if a transaction occurs within 60 days of the expiration date, the CLABE will be renewed for 180 days by default. (Adjusted on January 30, 2024)

Request Example

curl -L 'baseUrl/api/payIn' \
-H 'MerchantId: 1002001' \
-H 'Sign: A6FC73F7D22EC8B4A064C8FFCC592CBF' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"realName":"Reza Wijaya","amount":"20000","reusableStatus":false,"payType":"69","expireTime":3600,"mchOrderNo":"1386556787811426305","notifyUrl":"","currency":"IDR","remark":"Electronic Cigarettes","nonceStr":"16a5a70f43384134bfae33acc77132e0"}'

Response Parameters

mchOrderNostring(32)Merchant order number
orderNostring(32)Platform order number
payCodestring(32)OXXO Paycode / SPEI Clabe Account
payUrlstring(250)QR link
payDeskUrlstring(250)Payment Url

Response Example

  "msg": "SUCCESS",
  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "merchantId": "1002001",
    "mchOrderNo": "test2275700811",
    "orderNo": "PAYIN8374561426934530048",
    "bankName": "BBVA Bancomer",
    "reference": "1411217",
    "concept": "33812449733594396233",
    "payCode": "000000000000000001",
    "payUrl": "",
    "payDeskUrl": "",
    "amount": "152",
    "orderFee": "1"
  "msg": "Payin_Order_Error",
  "code": 500


  • If you plan to develop the display page of SPEI CLABE repayment account / OXXO payment code by yourself, please use the payCode field.
  • If you want to use the payment information page provided by CashyPay, please use the payUrl field.


When payType=69(SPEI Clabe) , we will provide two different modes of Clabe collection. The difference between the two is that the parameters used when repaying are different. At the same time, there are differences in limiting the number of repayments and the amount of repayments.

The difference between Clabe payment and centralized Clabe payment

Clabe payment

This method will create a different Clabe account for the user for each order, but it cannot verify the order amount or limit the number of repayments.

When repaying, the user only needs to use the Clabe account to transfer and pay.

Centralized Clabe payment

This method will verify the repayment amount and limit the number of repayments. When the amount does not match the order amount, the bank will reject the transaction and automatically refund the user.

When repaying, users need to use the following parameters to transfer and pay.

  • payCode Clabe account number
  • reference Reference number, no more than 7 digits, used to identify and track transactions, generally displayed as El número de referencia or Número De Referencia on the payment page
  • concept Transaction concept, up to 40 digits, used to identify and track transactions. If returned, users must fill it out correctly. Generally displayed as y el concepto de pago or Concepto on the payment page
  • bankName Bank name, generally no need to fill in specifically, in most cases it will be automatically recognized after entering the clabe account number.

User guidance when using centralized Clabe payment

This guidance is only used when the reference, concept, and bankName parameters have values. Note that the parameter values ​​in the examples are all values ​​in the sandbox environment. Please refer to the actual values ​​in the actual production environment.

When using the BBVA bank
  1. Select the De Servicios option in the Pagar menu and enter Número de convenio CIE

For Número de convenio CIE, please enter the value of reference (1411217)

  1. Fill in the information
  • Referencia: Please enter the value of concept (33812449733594396233).
  • Importe: $ 40.00 MXN
  • Concepto: remark
When users use other banks

Enter transfer and payment information:

  • Clabe: Enter payCode000000000000000001
  • Concepto de pago: Enter concept 33812449733594396233
  • Referencia: Enter reference, 1411217
  • Importe: 40.00 MXN

Take Santander Bank as an example Santander

Query Payin Order

API EndPoint

POST baseUrl + /api/payInQuery

Request Parameters

mchOrderNoNstring(32)1386556575370063873Merchant order number
orderNoNstring(32)PAYIN8551843837024997376Platform order number
nonceStrYstring(32)9459931608Random string


We recommend using orderNo (platform order number) first. At least one of the platform order number and the merchant order number must be passed.

Request Example

curl -L 'baseUrl/api/payInQuery' \
-H 'MerchantId: 1002001' \
-H 'Sign: A6FC73F7D22EC8B4A064C8FFCC592CBF' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"mchOrderNo":"1386556575370063873","nonceStr":"9459931608","orderNo":"PAYIN8551843837024997376"}'

Response Parameters

merchantIdintMerchant id
mchOrderNostring(32)Merchant order number
orderNostring(32)Platform order number
channelOrderNostring(32)Channel order number
payTypestring(32)Payin PayType Enum
payCodestring(32)Payment Code
payUrlstring(250)Payment url
orderStatusstring(32)Payin Order Status Enum
completionTimeyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssCompletion time

Response Example

  "msg": "SUCCESS",
  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "merchantId": "1002001",
    "mchOrderNo": "1386556575370063873",
    "orderNo": "PAYIN8551843837024997376",
    "payType": "43",
    "payCode": "",
    "payUrl": "",
    "payDeskUrl": "",
    "amount": "20000",
    "fee": "1700",
    "orderStatus": "PAYING",
    "completionTime": null,
    "nonceStr": null
  "msg": "SUCCESS",
  "code": 200,
  "data": {
    "merchantId": "1002001",
    "mchOrderNo": "1386556575370063873",
    "orderNo": "PAYIN8551843837024997376",
    "payType": "43",
    "payCode": "",
    "payUrl": "",
    "payDeskUrl": "",
    "amount": "20000",
    "fee": "1700",
    "orderStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "completionTime": "2024-12-02 15:40:50",
    "nonceStr": null

Async Webhook Notification

The webhooks url is provided by the merchant

POST Merchant NotifyUrl

Webhook Request Parameters

merchantIdintMerchant id
mchOrderNostring(32)Merchant order number
orderNostring(32)Platform order number
orderStatusstring(32)Order status
payUrlstring(32)Payment url
payCodestring(32)Payment VA/QRCODE
payTypestring(32)Pay product type
completionTimeyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssCompletion time
nonceStrstring(32)Random string

Webhook Request Example

curl -L '' \
-H 'MerchantId: 1002001' \
-H 'Sign: A6FC73F7D22EC8B4A064C8FFCC592CBF' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"amount":20000.00,"completionTime":"2024-12-02 12:07:06","fee":2500.0000,"mchOrderNo":"1386503284355244033","merchantId":"1002001","nonceStr":"1733116026894","orderNo":"PAYIN8551790545658687488","orderStatus":"SUCCESS","payCode":"OR.GPNQR..INOPROID_BS","payType":"41","payUrl":""}'
  "amount": 20000.0,
  "completionTime": "2024-12-02 12:07:06",
  "fee": 2500.0,
  "mchOrderNo": "1386503284355244033",
  "merchantId": "1002001",
  "nonceStr": "1733116026894",
  "orderNo": "PAYIN8551790545658687488",
  "orderStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "payCode": "OR.GPNQR..INOPROID_BS",
  "payType": "41",
  "payUrl": ""
  "amount": 20000.0,
  "completionTime": "2024-12-02 12:07:06",
  "fee": 2500.0,
  "mchOrderNo": "1386503284355244033",
  "merchantId": "1002001",
  "nonceStr": "1733116026894",
  "orderNo": "PAYIN8551790545658687488",
  "orderStatus": "FAIL",
  "payCode": "OR.GPNQR..INOPROID_BS",
  "payType": "41",
  "payUrl": ""


When the webhooks response HTTP status code is 200, 301 or 302, we believe that the merchant has successfully received and processed the callback. For other statuses, we believe that the merchant has failed to process the callback.

After the webhooks fails, it will be retried in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 minutes, and the webhooks will be retried 10 times in total

Released under the MIT License.